Looking for the underlying cause of your discomfort.

In our medical practice for Osteopathy & Physiotherapy we are looking for the underlying cause of your problem. This is not always on the spot where you feel your pain! We analyse all elements and take in account those that can lead to your pain. Through correct diagnose and an adequate manual treatement we don’t just treat the symptoms but we tackle your problem in an fundamental way. We then give specific advice in order to avoid the same problem in the near future. This way you can reduce the negetave effect on your (sportive) life.

LMent - [eləˈmɛnt]: We believe strongly in a pure, elementary, evidence based therapy. Our approach: hands-on, focused on those essential elements which caused your problems.

You have a back- or neck problem? You have a (sports) injury or you want to boost your sports performance? Through a central medical dossier and our several specialities we tackle your problem in no time!

For who?


(sports) Injury?

Do you have a (sports) injury? A strained ankle, a tennis elbow, or a hand trauma? Our Therapists will gladly help you!


Back- or neckproblems?

Lower back or neck pain? Osteopathy, fascia therapy or manual therapy can help you!



Want to boost your performance? Avoid injury? Our sports osteopath helps you thrue advice and treatment.


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13 May 2024

Frigyes back to Belgium after 2 years at Liverpool!

LMent: Osteo & Fysio

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